Monday, October 12, 2009

Standing On The Shore


This is the final image of the images that were in the 'Face & Film' photography exhibit. I took this photo kind of discreetly because I didn't know how this guy would feel about me taking a picture of him and his daughters. I found this guy very interesting, he wondered along the beach for probably half an hour talking on his phone the whole time, while his girls just climbed and played on everything on the beach.
There are a lot of things I like about this picture, I'm going to start with the guy's pose. His pose is quite unique, his whole body is in a sort of 'S' curve, and then his one arm matches the placement of the other arm. There's quite a bit of balance in this photograph, if you notice the sky takes up half of the image and the earth takes up the other half. Let's talk about colour, there is balance there too, quite a bit of blue and different kinds and it is balanced with yellow. There isn't the same amount but because yellow is such a strong and bright colour it doesn't take much yellow to balance out the blues. I also love how the guy's shorts has the exact same blue of the sea and exact same yellow of the boat, it almost connects them all. I would also like to point out the almost inter-positioning that takes place with the surf boards and the yellow boat, also has to do with lens-to-object distance. It goes larger white surf board, big yellow boat, and then finally smaller white surf board. It almost creates a sort of linear perspective too.
I'll end with giving you a sort of description of why we were there. It all started with the boys wanting to go windsurfing because they had seen a advertisement in a flyer that said 25 euro(40$) for an hour of windsurfing. They got all hyped up and I drove them to this beach which might I mention was quite far from where we lived, even if it is just an island. We got there and I realized that it was a beach that I had not been to since I was a kid, i remember going to this beach and going horse back riding. Anyways, we get to the windsurfing place and we ask about the cheap windsurfing, but apparently if you have never windsurfed before you have to have a private lesson for half and hour and then you go on your own for the other half an hour. So the boys didn't want to do that, especially since it turned out to be even more expensive. We didn't let that bum us out, so we just relaxed on the beach listened to 'Standing On The Shore' by Empire of the Sun and watched hippie jesus-looking people go by with their butt-naked kids. The end.

All images © Christos Spentzos 2009. These images may not be used without written permission under any circumstances.

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